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Stats system Revamp

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Stats system Revamp Empty Stats system Revamp

Post by Destination Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:14 am

Real World:







Points of Distinction:

Brain Burst Avatar:





    STR: __ (_)

      DIR: __ (_)
      AMR: __ (_)

    TAC: __ (_)

      SKL: __ (_)
      SDF: __ (_)

    AGI: __ (_)
    KG: __ (_)
    ATK: __ (_)
    DEF: __ (_)

Abilities and Armaments:







So this is the current system, and I'll be redesigning it on this thread. All your feedback should be gathered here as well.

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Stats system Revamp Empty Re: Stats system Revamp

Post by Royal Duke Wed Dec 25, 2013 5:37 am

Well, I think that...

As I see it, KG stat is too rendundant, and lends itself to complications. KG gain, just like in fighting games, would be set to 0.75x per damage dished, and 1.5x per damage dealt. Terrain damage bonus should also receive a buff and be proportional to the scale of objects that are being destroyed.

Next is SDF. That stat shouldn't exist. The defensive properties of armor are born of the type of Duel Avatar (Red Rider was a Battle Type, meaning not even Black Lotus' Death by Embracing could OHKO him) as well as from being a Metallic colour. Instead they should get proportional strengths and weaknesses depending on the metal in question they take.

I miss the Special stat. Something that lets me put potential from my Duel Avatar into my ability/Enhanced Armament and go crazy with character creation. Be Ash Roller, or Magnesium Drake. Catch my drift?

Let's forget about ATK, and focus on STR. It could be an useful stat. One of the things people said the most was that they wanted a clear division between For example, let's make it so it's a combination of DIR and SKL.

Direct is your muscle strength. How hard you lift. Not useful just for melee, but also for long ranges, since to pull the strings of a bow and to properly wield a machinegun you also need at least a bit of muscle. Skill is how much system support you have aiding you, and it's conditioned by your range, so it's divided into Skill (Range) and Skill (Melee).

Weapons directly add to your STR score, which by the way measures your ability to dish out damage.

So, how to make defense work? I'd personally prefer something like Endurance, representing both defense and stamina myself. There's no mechanical difference between Armor Resistance and body's resilence, and keeping track of that sounds honestly like a pain in the ass.

Next things are ranks. If we're going to have ranks, I'd prefer something simple, where there's not many dead places where my points go to waste. Furthermore it feels like the theoretical roof is too low, when we've seen crazy, like Silver Crow reach 600 mph or Iron Pound launch a blow every 0.2 seconds. This isn't Fire Emblem, this is shounen. I need a roof beyond the theoretical roof for the REAL crazy.

I guess these are my qualms for the time being. We also need mechanics a bit solider, but I'll discuss that later once I don't feel so groggy.
Royal Duke
Royal Duke

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Join date : 2013-03-17

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Stats system Revamp Empty Re: Stats system Revamp

Post by Destination Sat Dec 28, 2013 4:33 am

I was originally looking for Blood Leopard, but I also found some interesting speculation on Red Rider's skill Arms Creation.

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Stats system Revamp Empty Re: Stats system Revamp

Post by Royal Duke Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:19 am


I don't buy the whole 'spend BP to make weapons'. Rather I'd think that to make strong weapons, he needs materials/carves from Enemies/terrotories of dangerous Enemies. So while he, indeed, can get BP out of his weapons, the amount of time required in the so typical fetch quest makes it not worthwhile.

Dunno how it worked at the start when he was a Level 1. Maybe he started out with a pair of guns, or maybe he could carve materials from the Normal Dueling Stage, whatever. Case is, in all likeliness, to make the strongest Guns he had to head into a Legend class Enemy's lair and defeat him.
Royal Duke
Royal Duke

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Name: Royal Duke
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